Saturday, March 05, 2005

Breath taking!

"There is more than enough room for honest, philosophical debate on providing benefits to anyone. But that isn't what we got. Instead, we got Karen Johnson launching a speech so filled with hate-mongering and fear-peddling as to be breathtaking.

....She even invented her own illness, something she called "gay bowel disease," an ailment with which the specialists at the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are unfamiliar. But they are getting interested in studying what should be called Bigot's Brain Disease."
(The Arizona Republic
February 14, 1999 Sunday, Final Chaser Arts and Ideas; Pg. E15
Intolerable Behavior: Legislators Guided by Hate,
Capitol Is No Place For Anti-Gay Venom
Byline: Stephen Tuttle)


"Other authors have reported on the treatment of homosexual men with anorectal diseases, and on the unusual manifestations of AIDS. Croxson et al. reported nine intraepithelial carcinomas of the anus in homosexual men, two of whom already carried the diagnosis of AIDS. Four of the remaining seven patients were reclassified as either ARC or AIDS-P prior to publication of the manuscript. Otherwise "healthy" homosexual men with anorectal diseases have been reclassified asAIDS patients soon after presenting with anorectaldisease. The gay bowel syndrome has been describedas a constellation of diseases in homosexual men at high risk for AIDS. This syndrome includes anal and colorectal infections with gonorrhea, secondary syphilis, condylomata lata and condylomata acuminata, chlamydia, salmonella, cryptosporidium, campylobacter, shiegella, giardia, entamoeba, herpessimplex virus and cytomegalovirus. All of these are diseases for which the colorectal surgeon is likely to be consulted with increasing frequency and widening geographic distribution over the next few years. In this study, 116 of 340 patients (34 percent) with AIDS, ARC, and AIDS-P had anorectal pathology. Fifty-two patients (15 percent) presented with a complaint of anorectal disease and had an average life expectancy of 7.4 months. Fifty-one patients (15 percent) were treated surgically, resulting in a postoperative complication and mortality rate approaching 90 percent. This compares with a less than 5 percent postoperative complication rate following anorectal surgery in otherwise healthy patients. Because the colorectal surgeon may be first to evaluate the homosexual patient, an exhaustive history must be taken.Homosexual men with anorectal pathology must bequeried about recurrent anorectal venereal disease, colonic enteric infection, herpses zoster, and oral candidiasis."
(The Surgical Management of Anorectal Diseases in AIDS and Pre-AIDS Patients
By Steven D. Wexner, M.D., William B. Smithy, M.D., Jeffrey W. Willsom, M.D.,Thomas H. Daly, M.D. November, 1986
Diseases of the Colon & Rectum1986; 29: 719-723)

This pattern reminded me of that,
"This is perhaps the most ignorant and offensive comment I've read from you yet on this topic. It is the one that made me stop to cool down before responding at such length. This is so clearly an erroneous assertion that I hardly know where to begin. After all, how does one begin to answer the illogic in something so ridiculous? What logical response is there to someone who blindly asserts a causal relationship that simply does not exist? ....There's really no way to refute an idea that exists isolated in a bubble solely in someone's mind. To say that changing cultural views would cause men to be gay is just as absurd." (emphasis added)

"Broude (Broude, G. 1981. The Cultural Management of Sexuality. Ref. 279. :633-73) concludes that child training can have a profound effect on adult sexual orientation."
(The Cross-Cultural Study of Human Sexuality,
Annual Review of Anthropology,Vol. 16, 1987,
By D. L. Davis, R. G. Whitten :98)
Of course it does.
And so on. This is an obvious point, sexuality is relative to culture. Anyone vaguely acquainted with history ought to know that. No one is saying that there will be some sudden change, everyone's form of sexuality will change tomorrow if SSM is enacted! No, it is more generational. One has to wonder about just how ignorant pro-gay people are sometimes, perhaps that is why they project about "ignorance" so often. But think about it, history and anthropology show that sexuality is relative to culture. If you go by your own feelings it certainly may not feel so. No one is saying that it will feel so in your feely feelings. It is not a personal issue. To shift to the personal on such a broad issue is to take a myopic and subjective focus.
That disregard for posterity and myopic focus only makes sense if you are narcissistic. Perhaps if gender narcissism begins to become narcissism then that focus makes sense. In that case Gays© would tend to have such a subjective focus as the result of gender narcissism. To make matters worse, as I think one study on effeminacy put it, "Tends to cry about nothing...." And so, I suppose that one has to tell the activist to catch their breath, calm down, etc. These fellows get upset sometimes! It's breath taking, living in a bubble. After all, if you take the breath then there is none left for the others in the bubble! And that means you are the Big Meanie.