Saturday, March 05, 2005

A series of posts...

I'm going to take a little time here and write some refutations of the usual memes and talking points of the average Gay© activist. This way, I will have some links to refer to instead of providing the same research and so on every time the issue comes up on blogs and the like. The Gay© activist is typically following along in a stream of cultural scripts and memes that have been made for them, passively, guided along by feelings and emotional conditioning in some rather effeminate way.

A generic example,
"Being gay does not give you HIV. HIV is transmitted, primarily, by chosen risk behaviors."

The typical activist has to rely on some scripts and the like about "being Gay©." This is a core tenet. You are not allowed to say anything about what Gay© is. Only they can say the Gay©, all that you say of their manufacturing of the Gay© identity will be "stereotype" and the like. They have to control the type, by censorship if necessary.

In that sentence the manufacturing of the Gay© identity is being divorced from the risky behavior patterns that are inherent to male homosexuality. The form of sexuality neglects the complementarity of the sexes and in so doing amplifies male promiscuity and male risk taking to levels that destroy the subculture in which the complementarity of the sexes is denied.

On a broad cultural scale in the West, the invention of the Gay© identity ("being Gay©") and its linkage to the civil rights movement is associated with AIDS.
"The introduction of the [AIDS] epidemic to developed countries, such as the UnitedStates, followed relatively soon after the 'gay revolution' that had its origins in the riot at the Stonewall Inn, a bar frequentedby homosexual men, in New York City in 1969.....

Similar patterns soon followed in other developed countries, such as Canada, Australia, and those of western Europe."
(The AIDS Epidemic -- Considerations
for the 21st Century.
By Fauci, Anthony S.
The New England Journal of Medicine
September 30, 1999; 341: 1046-1050)

At this point the Gay© activist is sure to engage in some handwaving towards HIV in Africa or other less developed nations.

The first thing that should be noted is the consistent failure to take any responsibility, any at all, among those who go so far as to claim to be the hapless victims of their genetics. It does not just harm their own welfare, it harms others.

The invention of the Gay© identity itself and the way that he Old Press writes cultural scripts for it also takes its toll.

"If the New York Times and other mass media had given the first thousand AIDS victims even a fraction of the coverage given to the seven victims of poisonedTylenol capsules, millons of Americans would have learned of the new disease much earlier, and tens or hundreds of thousands of Americans who are now dead might be living. Instead, the Times published fifty-four stories on the Tylenol affair (several on the front page) and a total of three stories on AIDS— none of which appeared on the front page, and none of which used the words 'sex' or 'homosexual.'"
(Homosexuality and American Public Life,
Edited by Chrisopher Wolfe
(Dallas: Spence Publishing Company)1999, :122)

Typically, the Gay© activist will also want things both ways on the issue of HIV. They will say that HIV has nothing to do with Gay©. But then they will say that Gays© have something to do with stopping it now, unlike the old times. But they never took responsibility in the first place, instead they try to blame Reagan for their own behavior patterns. Yes, blame the President for your own sexual behavior and sexual ethics. It is amazing just how far and contorted things can get. They also want things both ways here, there is no problem with Gay©...but they are fixing it.

On the issue of HIV there will be some vague handwaving towards Africa or other underdeveloped nations, yet the issue there is the same issue of sexual ethics. That has something to do with they such nations are underdeveloped, the fiscal is the social, the social is the ethical. I was conversing with a Hindu once about cultural taboos and what prejudices are pancultural and the like. They said that "sexual perversion" is a luxury that Indians cannot afford. The Gay© activist pointing to other nations to avoid responsibility is pointing to that which makes the case for the civilization of the West that they work to undermine. At times this undermining of civilization can be very clear, as when they begin to argue that what is natural for animals is "natural" for man.

I will finish this post by citing some research. It is not dated the way that the Gay© activist will argue. Feces in the bloodstream and the like are still just as unhealthy now as they were at another date. Excrement has not evolved, so what has changed? All that has changed is the modern manufacturing of the Gay© identity and attempts to destroy the reputation of anyone who would let true information get out into the Old Press. Does the new Gay© identity in which Gays© are saints, the apostles of tolerance, truth and love (Besides having a higher aesthetic sense too! ) prevent the health impact of "being Gay©"? Does it negate the reality of the complementarity of the sexes? Of course it does not, nor does the manipulation of pop-culture and the MTVeee generation prove anything about the general welfare in the real world. Note that the problems associated with denying the complementarity of the sexes have to do with more than HIV.

"The special intestinal and anorectal problems of male homosexuals,the so-called 'gay bowel syndrome,' are often unfamiliar to pediatricians. Symptoms may range from minimal abdominal or rectal discomfort to fulminant dysentery. Both infectious and noninfectious causes have been described. (Sohn N, Robilotti JG.The gay bowel syndrome: a review of colonic and rectalconditions in 200 male homosexuals. Am J Gastroenterol1977; 67: 478-84)

In a vigorous investigation of the infectious agents, Quinn et al.(Quinn TC, Stamm WE, Goodell SE. The polymicrobialorigin of intestinal infections in homosexual man, N Engl J Med 1983; 309: 576-82.) identified specific enteric pathogens in 80 percent of homosexual males with gastrointestinal complaints and in 39 percent of homosexual controls. Neisseria gonorrheae, HSV, and Treponema pallidum are identified in 60 percentof cases of proctitis. Campylobacter species, Shigellaflexneri, Chlamydia trachomatis, Entamoeba histolytica, and Clostridium difficile are identified in 60 percentof cases of proctocolitis. Giardia lambdia is the single agent significantly correlated with enteritis. Once again,the sexual history is a critical item in the evaluation of the adolescent with abdominal complaints. When a history of homosexual practices is elicited, a thorough microbiologicaland endoscopical investigation may be indicated. The reader isreferred to the work of Quinn and colleagues (Quin et al.) for a detailed discussion of the diagnostic evaluation.The final category of sexually related illnesses is the acquired mmunodeficiency syndrome with its infectiousand neoplastic complications....."
(Pediatrics Adolescent Homosexuality;Issues for Pediatricians
By Gary J. Remafedi, MD
Clinical Pediatrics ClinPediatr (Phila) 1985; 24: 481-485)

I'd like to know what these Gay© activists would write to a San Fransico father who's eighteen year old son is being manipulated to "come out" by an older man. That pattern is not exactly atypical. I'd certainly not tell the father this, but here is what seems to me would most likely happen. His son is mentored into a whole community of tolerance and acceptance. Then his son gets HIV or some other problem mysteriously comes up that I'd rather not note. So eventually, his son dies. The father buries his son and will not allow the older "partner" to come to the funeral, etc. Then the Gay© activists write another cultural script about the father's ignorance, hatred and intolerance on their webpages, a script that is reported by the Old Press. Perhaps they use some imagery that Fred Phelps supplies, it is just another instance of homophobia and bigotry by a father against effete Victims.

Then the MTVeee generation begins to feel, "You know, Gay© is good!" And maybe those who are dead in the head and easy subjects for emotional conditioning begin to get mysterious illnesses more and more too. (What is interesting is the impact of cultural scripts and memes on a person like Ed. Not exactly a free-thinker, that one. He claims to be fighting HIV, then promotes the very things that are associated with it.) I'll make another post in this series about medical facts, comparing "gay bowel syndrome" to the sort of thing that researchers say about the host of "problems" or "risky behavior" now.